Engineering work life balance

TL;DR Achieve Work-Life Balance

Take two minutes or less, in the interest of time scarcity, to read about how you, too, can achieve work-life balance through coaching with me.

Who I am

I am a busy mother, engineer, encourager, and overcomer of many outwardly impossible circumstances who has achieved and maintained this “work-life balance” notion.

What I’m selling

More time

How? There are only 24 hours per day.

I coach you to prioritize, optimize, eliminate, and when all else fails, I apply creative engineering analysis.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a partnership in accountability where I encourage and support you to achieve your goals. Because your life is already so busy, I eliminate the guesswork in defining the most direct path to your dreams. My focus is primarily to help professional women with their career and personal goals.

What you’ll receive

Through coaching, you’ll gain AT LEAST five (5) hours a week to focus on YOU, guaranteed. Think of the possibilities of what YOU could do with those extra hours. As a result, you will feel free of “Mom-Guilt” and be absolutely certain of what is important to you. This takes out the guess work in deciding how to spend your precocious time so that you, too, can achieve your own version of work-life balance.

Why I am qualified

I have successfully engineered my own life to be balanced and fulfilling. I have planned, toiled, and achieved my own goals spanning matters of career advancement, marathon running, home organization, operation skinny jeans, managing anxiety and depression, and relationship overhauls so I can help you. Trust me, I’m an engineer.

How much does it cost?

Coaching fees vary from $0 – $450 per month. I offer:

  • FREE no obligation initial session available to all professional women interested

Schedule Your Free Session

What is this Workshop about?

The December Actionable Goals Workshop is a two hour event offered twice in December in order to plan and set your 2020 goals into action. Each session is limited to the first fifteen women to register. The workshop experience is $115 and includes materials and a meal.

ADD Time Tips

  • + 30 – 90 minutes/day: Listen to audio-books or podcast messages in order to maximize your time while commuting or driving around town.
  • + 20 minutes/day: Make a “Results List” of your top 1-3 absolute must do tasks at the end of each day so you can hit the pavement running the next morning. Break your tasks down simply into the “next logical step” which does not leave you wondering “How do I do that?”
  • + 120 minutes/week: Plan your upcoming week once before it starts to align your priorities and responsibilities because reactive functioning is exhausting and inefficient.
  • + 30 – 60 minutes/day: “Touch it Once” with regard to your emails or paper mail. Rather than sort your emails or paper mail into actionable piles for later, take action on them right away to cut out the duplicate time to re-read the item. This also can be applied to: laundry, groceries/meal prep, errands, etc.

Favorite Books

  • Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
  • Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend
  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
  • The Power of Habit by Charles Dunigg
  • The New Rules of Love, Sex, and Dating by Andy Stanley
  • Lord, Heal My Hurts by Kay Arthur
  • Ephesians Chapter 1 by The Apostle Paul
  • 4 Hour Work– Week by Tim Ferriss
  • Reading now: The Power of Now by Eckhert Tolle

Be looking for my book reviews of several of the above titles in the coming weeks! Lastly, thank you for reading.


Achieve the mysterious work-life balance state of being through coaching with me. I encourage you to set up your free introductory session now or sign up for the upcoming workshop before the seats get filled.


In love & in Time for Change,

Coach Cassandra