Engineering work life balance

ADD Process

Are you overwhelmed with competing demands personally and professionally?

Oftentimes meeting the competing demands of professional women’s workloads on the job, personally, and at home is seemingly impossible, let alone finding time for “self-care.” I help engineer work life balance in women’s lives to encourage achievement of a peaceful and fulfilled life. The ADD Process is the solution to your battle with balance, anxiety, and burn-out.


I’ve been a stressed, unfulfilled, and burnt-out employee and also a frustrated mother, feeling like I was pleasing no one. I’ve figured out how to attain a peaceful and harmonious life with time for the most important things and people.  My clients benefit from my experiences to improve their lives, equipped with the tools to thrive in any circumstances.

Been there, done that.

The simple and proven ADD Process has proven, time and time again, to be successful in attaining favorable results.

A visual representation of the three step ADD Process: Assess, Design, Do
A visual representation of the three step ADD Process: Assess, Design, Do. The initial consultation is indicated as a pivotal step in the process to achieve peace.

The ADD Process

1. Assess

First, we will collectively evaluate your internal and external challenges and define success through an introductory consultation. Let’s imagine what a peaceful and fulfilled life looks like for you. We’ll use the ADD Personal Assessment an in-depth tool to help clarify personal priorities, vision, and values.

2. Design

Next, you will receive a custom engineered ADD Plan containing tools and recommendations to achieve your personal goals. The ADD plan is reviewed and agreed upon by you before proceeding.

3. Do

Then, the ADD Roadmap will be the guiding personal plan using during coaching consultations. The ADD Roadmap contains specific progressive milestones, helpful tools, and time-bound targets to achieve your personal goals. You are 95% more likely to achieve your goals when you engage in professional coaching accountability and the ADD Roadmap is a straightforward tool to keep you progressing.

Are you ready to apply the simple ADD Process to your life? Let’s discuss the possibilities during a no-obligation, complementary introductory session, click here.